Editor: Report Writer is an advanced reporting solution for .NET Framework 2.0 designed to create industry standard PDF and XPS documents dynamically with API calls or from XML. It provides a variety of methods to format text, insert images, draw Geometric figures and paths and allows to create complex layouts.
Top Features:
* PDF, XPS, XML for .NET
* Easy to use API and XML format
* Multiple sections with individual formatting
* Headers, Footers, Decorations and Watermarks
* Automatic page flow
* Page numbering and Page breaks
* Hyperlinks and Bookmarks
* Grids, Lists, Trees, Groups and Flows
* Site containers to place elements by absolute positions
* Text formatting (TrueType font files; Font size and color; Strikeout and Underline; Superscript and Subscript; Alignment; Intervals and Indentations)
* Images and Shapes
* Direct canvas drawing (Lines, Rectangles, Ellipses, Polylines, Polygons, Arcs, Chords and Pies; Path composition; Bezier curves and Splines; Pen styles, widths, colors, caps and joins; SolidColor, LinearGradient, RadialGradient and Texture Brushes; Font metrics; Clipping areas; Translation, Rotation, Skew and other transformations)
* Callback interface to merge XML patterns with API calls